Having spent ten years as a primary teacher in Australia (Grades K - 6), and working regularly with gifted and highly able students, Alison builds on her love of mathematics and her understanding of how highly able students learn best in these challenging and engaging workshops.
Presented, in association with G.A.T.E.WAYS, over forteen years, these enrichment units have inspired highly able students to enjoy and extend their knowledge and application of mathematical skills.
“Children appear to be intrinsically motivated to engage in those tasks which are within their reach but developmentally just beyond their current level of ability.”
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1992)
Math Enrichment Units:
“CSI Mathematical”
- Crime scene investigations …. Crime scenarios to
be solved using mathematic skills
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 5th & 6th Grade
“Effective Detectives”
- Adventure-based math skills and enrichment – 3rd
& 4th Grade
- An 8 week program (1 ½ hours per week)
“Medieval Mayhem”
- Math problem solving adventure set in a fictitious medieval castle
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 3rd & 4th Grade
“Maths Olympics”
- Math activities & games based around the
theme of “Olympics”
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 3rd & 4th Grade
“Talk Like a Computer”
- Exploring the binary digit number system through
games & activities
- A 2-hour one-off program – 1st, 2nd
and 3rd Grade
“Saving Rapunzel”
- Adventure-based math skills and enrichment – 1st
& 2nd Grade
- An 8 week program (1 ½ hours per week)
“Maths Penguin”
- Math activities & games based on the website
“Club Penguin”
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 1st & 2nd Grade
“Calling all Problem Solvers”
- Problem solving and logic puzzles and games
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – Kindergarten
“To the Rescue”
- Mathematical challenges and games based on
well-known fairytales
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – Kindergarten
“Beyond the Comfort Zone”
- Math problem solving and enrichment – 3rd
& 4th Grade
- An 8 week program (1 ½ hours per week)
“Mystery of the Ancient Remains”
- A mystery based program teaching & using a
variety of SECRET CODES
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 1st & 2nd Grade
“We’ve Captured your Secret Agent”
- A mystery based program teaching & using a
variety of SECRET CODES
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 3rd & 4th Grade
“Puzzles, Problems & Ploys”
- Scenario based puzzles, problems & ploys to
be solved in pairs
- A 3-hour one-off program (or 2 weeks of 1 ½
hours) – 1st & 2nd Grade
CONTACT DETAILS: to enquire about or register for a student workshop